Minggu, 03 Juni 2012


Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say.
I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way.
For all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took,
Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?

I'm not okay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
You wear me out

What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems?
(I'm not okay)
I've told you time and time again you sing the words but don't know what it means
(I'm not okay)
To be a joke and look, another line without a hook
I held you close as we both shook for the last time take a good hard look!

I'm not okay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
You wear me out

Forget about the dirty looks
The photographs your boyfriend took
You said you read me like a book, but the pages all are torn and frayed

I'm okay
I'm okay!
I'm okay, now
(I'm okay, now)

But you really need to listen to me
Because I'm telling you the truth
I mean this, I'm okay!
(Trust Me)

I'm not okay
I'm not okay
Well, I'm not okay
I'm not o-fucking-kay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay


Lost in the sky
Clouds roll by and I roll with them
Arrows fly
Seas increase and then fall again

This world is spinning around me
This world is spinning without me
Every day sends future to past
Every breath leaves one less to my last

Watch the sparrow falling
Gives new meaning to it all
If not today nor yet tomorrow then some other day

I'll take seven lives for one
And then my only father's son
As sure as I ever did love him
I am not afraid

This world is spinning around me
The whole world keeps spinning around me
All life is future to past
Every breath leaves me one less to my last

Pull me under Pull me under
Pull me under I'm not afraid
All that I feel is honor and spite
All I can do is to set it right

Dust fills my eyes
Clouds roll by and I roll with them
Centuries cry
Orders fly and I fall again

This world is spinning inside me
The whole world is spinning inside of me
Every day sends future to past
Every step brings me closer to my last

Pull me under Pull me under
Pull me under I'm not afraid
Living my life too much in the sun
Only until your will is done

Pull me under Pull me under
Pull me under I'm not afraid
All that I feel is honor and spite
All I can do is to set it right

Pull me under Pull me under
Pull me under I'm not afraid
Living my life too much in the sun
Only until your will is done

'Oh that this too
too solid flesh would melt.'


Intro : Em C 2x

Gelang paku rantai besi
Setia menemani tubuhmu


Sepatu butut setelan hitam
Memacu darah di jantungku


Seperti tak peduli saat ku salam
D Em
Dan ku sebut namamu
Tapi ku akui kau memang tepat
Am B Em
Untuk di bilang setan manis di hatiku


Musik bising dan distorsi
Setia menemani kupingmu

Em C
Duniamu yang telah kau pilih
Biarkan tetap apa adanya
Em C
Musikmu yang telah kau suka
Ekspresimu dari dalam diri

Em C
Duniamu yang telah kau pilih
Biarkan adanya (tetap apa adanya)
Em C
Musikmu yang telah kau suka
G D Em
Ekspresikan dari dalam diri

C G D Em
C G Am B

Musik bising dan distorsi
Setia menemani kupingmu


Seperti tak peduli saat ku salam
D Em
Dan ku sebut namamu
Tapi ku akui kau memang tepat
Am B
Untuk di bilang setan manisku

Em C
Duniamu yang telah kau pilih
Biarkan tetap apa adanya
Em C
Musikmu yang telah kau suka
Ekspresimu dari dalam diri

Em C
Duniamu yang telah kau pilih
Biarkan adanya (tetap apa adanya)
Em C
Musikmu yang telah kau suka
Ekspresikan dari dalam diri



Hey, you got to take on the tide if you will if you want all the best of me
Got to shake out the pride if you dare if you want all the best of me
Got to choke the strife if you can if you want all the best of me
Got to take on the life if you tend if you should want the best (of me)

Don’t you care that your heart will loose it’s graphs of reality
Do you cry for yourself in the darkness of apathy
New sons will rise through the cracks in the darkness incessantly
Though i may fall alone (i known they will feel y clarity)

Why destroy... why...?

You thought the price and a blood you put down could buy all of the of me
You thought the slice you made without regret would cut out all of the best in me
You sought to pry through my armor and light to get to what it’s best in me
You ought to cry through your rancor and lust to get to what it’s best (in me)

Don’t you care that your heart will loose it’s graphs of reality
Do you cry for yourself in the darkness of apathy
New sons will rise through the cracks in the darkness incessantly
Though i may fall alone (i known they will feel y clarity)

They lied, you lied and the others all had to lie
They lied, you lied and the others all had to die...
Don’t want to feel dead when i known i’m just playing dead... is it a crime?
Don’t want to feel dead when i known i’m just playing dead

There’s gonna be only i... there’s gonna be only
There’ll be only one... there’ll be only one...


Jika kutuangkan nada syair penuh pesona
Kuingin kau ada disini menyatukan rasa
Lupakan semua problema yang menyesak di dada
Jauhkan prasangka menutupi hati yang buta

Hilangkanlah keraguan hatimu
Genggamlah tanganku menuju cita
Yang lama kuimpikan menjadi bintang

Turn on your radio ( they're gonna play the song now )
Semoga kau terkesan
Turn on your radio ( i hope you will enjoy it now )
Bintang masa depan / we're gonna be in town

Hasratku menggapai cita membelai dunia
Sbagai bahtera kita mengarungi kehidupan

#biarkanlah aku terus bernyanyi ( until the end of time )
Sampai batas waktu yang ku tak tau ( i don't know )
Inilah jalan hidupku denganmu ( inilah jalan hidupku dengan ..)

It's going to be alright (it's to be alright) just fine

Back to *

Teruskan dengan pasti langkahmu
Raihlah semua impianmu

Jika kutuangkan nada syair pesona
Kuingin kau ada disini menyatukan rasa

Back to #

It's hard to believe man, i have to believed it


Suka nongkrong dan banyak lagu
Sering aku dipanggil guru
Iseng bikin ulah melulu
Di 80an dulu

Jeans kurobek dan pake anting

Sambil dengerin musik bising
Diomelin nggak ambil pusing
Orang bilang otakku miring

Mungkin ku radikal

Hidupku rock’n roll jack !
Tak merasa lelah
Bebas tanpa beban ku lalui

Ku ingat lagi

Masa yang aku alami
Teman sejalanku menghabiskan waktu
Menantang dunia... In ’82

Ku ingat lagi

Dan aku ingin kembali
Saat pertama kali ku kenal cinta
Begitu indahnya... Waktu itu

Rock in 82 4x

Setiap hari rock after school

Gaya abis and I think I’m cool
Pengennya menjadi Motley Crue
Aku pikir mataku biru

Tetapi ternyata..

Hidup nggak rock’n roll jek !
Semua berubah
Tak sesederhana yang kubayangkan...

Sepertinya baru kemarin berlalu

Kusimpan semua sebagai kisahku

Ku ingat lagi

Masa yang aku alami
Teman sejalanku menghabiskan waktu
Menantang dunia... In ’82

Ku ingat lagi

Dan aku ingin kembali
Saat pertama kali ku kenal cinta
Begitu indahnya... Waktu itu

Rock in 82 4x